


This month marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of writer Rudyard Kipling, whose works included The Secret of the Machines – a discourse on modern technology which warned of fatal consequences if the operator made “a slip in handling us”. 

這個月適逢英國詩人魯德亞德。吉卜林的150歲冥誕,而他的作品包含了以第一人稱口吻描寫當代科技的詩篇 -- The Secret of the Machines,警惕了世人疏於使用科技產物時可能導致的致命後果。

Kipling did not pen his lines, of course, with the jet airliner in mind. But the relevance of his choice of phrase has not diminished.


The ill-advised decision by an Airbus A320 crew to reset flight computers, without appreciating the ramifications, and the pilots’ failure to cope with the subsequent in-flight upset, served to illustrate the absence of pity and forgiveness observed by his verse.

"在沒有設想到後果的情況下,A320的飛行員作出了不明智的決斷 -- 關閉飛航電腦,並無能應付隨後衍生的一團混亂" 寫實的體現了吉卜林詩句中對於機器那毫無憐憫、絕不寬恕的特性。

Loss of the aircraft to a high-altitude aerodynamic stall is not the most dispiriting aspect of the crash. More bewildering is that it occurred just five years after Air France  AF447 – an accident which had left the airline community stunned that highly-trained and experienced pilots could have failed to recognise one of the most rudimentary upset conditions in aeronautics.

高空失速並不是這起空難最令人沮喪的一點。這次空難距離令航空界震驚的法航 AF447空難只不過五年的光景,令人費解的是,為何這些經過高度訓練且經驗豐富的飛行員無法意識到失速這個在航空領域中再基本不過的異常狀態。

Pulling a circuit-breaker demands specific detailed system knowledge to comprehend the risk. Stalling, in contrast, does not. To misunderstand stalling is effectively to misunderstand the basic concept of lift and the role of the wing. In short, to misunderstand the most fundamental reason why an aircraft is able to fly.


Handling an aircraft at rarefied cruise altitudes requires care and finesse, and stable flight is a delicate balancing act normally entrusted to the flight-management system and autopilot. Yet this environment in which pilots need a separate array of handling abilities is also the one in which they are least likely to gain hands-on experience.


The result is that pilots, used to operating the aircraft at low altitude, suddenly encounter different behaviour characteristics if they are forced to take over in cruise – when they are likely to be facing pressing matters as well as a possible degradation in flight-control laws and related envelope protections.


There is an old mantra for dealing with an in-flight crisis – aviate, navigate, communicate – but it relies on pilots having not only the skills to control the aircraft but sufficiently robust knowledge of the reasons for, and effects of, their application.

在航程中面對危機時,有句古老的咒語如是說:"繼續飛就對了、找到方向就對了、聯絡航管就對了" 但這仰賴的不僅是飛行員操縱飛機的技術,更重要的是,飛行員們必須具備充足且堅定的知識,知悉自己所有操作行為背後的原理以及結果。

Critical moments after the discovery of an unexpected problem are no time for a lesson in aerodynamics. To operate a complex machine safely and effectively requires a prior understanding – as Kipling wrote – of the laws by which it lives.

在飛行中遭遇異常狀態的緊要關頭可沒有時間讓你去翻你空氣動力學的課本。想要安全且有效的操作複雜的機具,必須理解運作的原理,就如同吉卜林的詩句所說的一樣 -- 記住我們運行的法則


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